FAQs on International Orders & Shipping Costs

◆海外訂購規說明 Purchase information

  • 因配合國際物流價格調整,運費將以訂單重量、材積計算(以價高者為計算標準)
    The international shipping fee is calculated depends on the total weight, volume, and amount per order.
  • 未填寫收件者全名、訂單運費與配送地址不符,將自動取消訂單退款不出貨,相關手續費由買家負擔,如您對於運費有疑問歡迎與我們聯繫
    If the shipping fees do not match the delivery address, the orders will be canceled automatically and the payment will be refunded. Kindly contact us with any questions about the shipping fee.
  • 依各國法規,可能會有關稅、通關手續費等額外費用,若費用發生將由顧客自行負擔,支付給送達地的快遞公司。
    According to the laws and regulations of various countries, there may be additional charges such as customs duties. If the charges occur, the customers will bear them and pay to the courier company.

<目前海外僅配送香港 Only Hongkong>

We do not offer delivery for orders over 10KG. Please contact customer service if you have any questions.
For Hong Kong, please add +852 before the mobile number to receive text messages.

注意事項 Notes

  1. 填充氮氣產品(噴霧類物品),因各國航空相關法規,無法寄送海外。
    Notes: Aerosols products are not provided international shipping due to the airlines' T&C of each country. 
  2. 各國進口關稅標準不同,若領取包裹時貴國欲收取商品之關稅,需由買家自行支付。
    Remind: Due to the different standards of import duty and taxes of each country, the buyers shall bear all the additional fees.
  3. 提醒您,收件地址請填寫正確,若商品因故無法投遞退回或拋棄,相關運費及關稅等各項費用,需由買家自行吸收與支付。 
    Remind: Please fill in the correct shipping address. The buyers have to pay the shipping fee, duties & taxes, and other expenses for the delivery failures.
  4. 提醒您,如遇海關抽驗導致無法領件,我司提供原訂單金額退轉入官網購物金,不做現金退款,請確認可以接受再付款。
    Remind: We refund in promotional coupons instead of cash money if you are unable to pick-up the goods due to the customs inspection. Please make sure that you are agreed on this term before making the payments.
香港地區(順豐快遞) Hong Kong (SF Express)
  1. 偏遠地區需加收NT$150
    Extra charge NT150 for remote areas
  2. 自2013年8月1日起,順豐快遞於港澳非工商地址收取或派送的快件將收取HK$30的非工商附加費,建議收件地址請多以公商為主,不便之處還請見諒。
    Start from 2013/08/01, SF Express will collect a non-business surcharge of HK$30 for shipments received or delivered at non-business addresses in Hong Kong and Macao. It is recommended that the recipient address should be mainly commercial.


◆海外預計到貨時間 Arrival time

This website uses SF Express for deliveries in the Hong Kong region. International air parcels are expected to arrive in approximately 3-5 business days, subject to weather conditions and other uncontrollable factors.

結帳流程Payment procedure

選購商品加入購物車>點選 進行結帳 於購買人資訊選擇以下欄位
Adding items into shopping cart
make paymentsfilling in buyers' information

Shipping methodsPlease select the shipping fee according to the address. The orders will be canceled automatically if the shipping fees do not match the delivery addresses. 

Payment methodsBuyers can make payment in credit cards (VISA、MasterCard、JCB、UCard). Please select "New Taiwan Dollars(NTD$)" when making payment to avoid the problems of currency rates. (PayPal payment is temporarily closed.)

進行結賬:送出訂單至以下畫面,再次確認訂單商品與金額,點選 前往信用卡付款 至線上刷卡頁面,輸入信用卡資訊結帳完成。請先與您的發卡銀行確認是否開放海外刷卡功能,如有任何疑問歡迎來信與我們連繫,謝謝
CheckoutSubmit the order until the picture below is shown. Please make sure the items and amount are correct before step forward to "Credit Card Payment", enter your credit card information to complete the payments. Please make sure that your credit card is provided international transactions at first. Kindly e-mail us for any inquiries, thank you.


海外地區退換貨注意事項 Overseas returns & refunds policy

  • 若客戶個人因素,如購買錯誤、不符合需求等,皆不予以提供退換貨
    No return or exchange will be provided due to the customer's personal factors, such as purchase errors, non-compliance with demand, etc.
  • 若是因銷售商品如與消費者訂購內容不符、品質瑕疵,或運送途中發生損毀者(以上統稱瑕疵品),請先以e-mail聯繫客服中心,將商品寄到DR.HSIEH達特醫指定地區待確認後,我們將會補寄出完新的商品
    If the products are inconsistent with the content ordered by the consumer, which includes the defective products, or the damage occurs during delivery (collectively referred to as defective products), please contact the customer service center by e-mail to send back the products to the DR.HSIEH company. We will replenish the new products after confirmation.